Chair: Liz McIlwaine
Recorder: Rachel Abs
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Review/approval of AGM minutes from November 18 2019
3. President’s Report
4. Changes to Bylaws
- Article 18 – Membership Dues
It is proposed that the membership due date coincide with the financial year.
Motion: It is moved that Article 18 be changed to read:
All dues are due and payable by May 1 of each calendar year.
- Article 19 – Audit
It is proposed that due to the financial burden imposed by hiring an auditor each year, a formal audit will be replaced by a notice to reader.
Motion: It is moved that an accountant will be appointed to complete a notice to reader by resolution at each AGM.
5. Financial Report
- Approval of audited financial statements
- Motion to accept accountant for fiscal year 2020/2021
6. Maintenance Report
7. Election of Board Members
8. Motion to Adjourn
Financial Statements
November 18 2019 Minutes
Chair: Liz McIlwaine
Secretary: Stuart Layland
Other Directors in Attendance: Bruce Downey, Elinor Rush, Rachel Abs, Louise Alexander
Others in Attendance: Marilyn Birmingham, Rudy Mogl, Alec Ross, Jean Murray, Harold Pickering, Eric de Domenico
Meeting began at 7:02PM
1. Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve moved by Bruce Downey, seconded by Elinor Rush.
2. Review/approval of minutes of the AGM from November 19 2018
Motion to approve moved by Marilyn, seconded by Louise.
3. President’s Report
Liz delivers report.
- Welcome to meeting attendees.
- Reading of board history, mission, etc.
- Liz thanks Harold as the house coordinator.
- Liz thanks the board.
- Liz thanks volunteers and local businesses who supported the house: Screening Room, Novel Idea, Truesdale Hardware, Pike Farms Landscaping Materials.
4. Financial Report
a) Approval of the audited financial statements
Noted that fiscal year ended in April 2019. Elinor gives background of financial report, and her role as the treasurer. Elinor notes that the financial records don’t differ significantly from previous year. Noted that we are not leading projects, we are responding to the needs of the house and members. Noted the necessity of fundraising each year to cover costs, however bulk of costs covered by membership drive each year.
Rudy requests that we provide year-to-date financial numbers at next AGM. Discussed that constitution of house is makes changing the AGM date very difficult.
Motion to approve financial statements moved by Elinor, seconded by Louise. All in favour.
b) Motion to accept auditor for fiscal year 2019/2010
Elinor notes that despite challenges with Seeds & Co. (auditor), the price is exceptionally good.
Motion to continue using Seeds & Co. for following fiscal year moved by Elinor, seconded by Louise. All in favour.
5. Maintenance Report
Bruce notes all the maintenance and changes made to the house, including who paid for each item.
- Firewall in attic
- Furnace review (furnace in good shape), hot water tank will need replacing in the next five years
- Heating ducts were cleaned
- Replaced kitchen roof with metal roof
- Change table installed
- Rats are still in the vicinity
- Tree limbs are a topic of discussion; in discussion with Terry (next door neighbour) who is also affected by the overhanging tree limbs; city removed entire tree in front yard
- Series of minor repairs: floor repairs in living room, decorating, curtains, furniture replacement, front garden due for landscaping
- Back entry: potential options to refurbish existing walkway, or change walkway to enter through basement window. Marilyn notes that there could be insurance implications because the laneway is not a public access road
- Bruce would like to investigate why the washroom is raised, possibly make it floor-level
- Generally speaking, the building is sound and the interior has very few defects
- Minor plaster crack over the transom window in the front entrance
- May consider painting the hallway
- Crack in the stone in the front corner of the building
- Front interior door is warped, so astragal may need to be installed or other form of insulation. Bruce suggests that we re-do the entire house roof in metal at the point in which the shingles need replacing. Rudy requests that we speak with the neighbour when the roof is done and potentially do both at the same time.)
Elinor speaks to the decorative changes:
- Thorough cleaning
- After thorough review of furniture, Elinor tracked down free furniture of higher quality
- Curtains were previously donated, and have been installed
- Elinor notes that how much the house having a “homey” feel is appreciated by members
6. Election of Board Members
Marilyn to run the board election. Marilyn calls for nominations.
- Elinor Rush nominates Liz McIlwaine
- Liz McIlwaine nominates Bruce Downey
- Bruce Downey nominates Rachel Abs
- Rachel Abs nominates Louise Alexander
- Louise Alexander nominates Eric de Domenico
- Stuart Layland nominates Elinor Rush
Marilyn declares nominations closed, no need for elections.
7. Motion to Adjourn
Motion moved by Rachel.
Next meeting: November 18 2019 (first new board meeting)
Adjourned at 7:40PM